“Walk in Love” struck me to the core because I cannot do this well. It struck me where Jesus is trying to transform me.
I have not been walking in love in certain aspects of my life. When great love and grace is required of me, I save it for the situations that are not so hard, messy and broken. I can walk in love when it is easy, when someone hasn’t hurt me. The moments most in need of walking in love, I have the tendency to walk away or rather run away in the other direction.
“Walk” in Greek means “to make one’s way; progress; to make due use of opportunities. To live; to regulate one’s life; to conduct oneself. To pass one’s life.” Walking is a behavior, a choice of action, a direction of how to operate. It is the operating system of a life following after Jesus. My humanness keeps me complacent and passive when Jesus demands action.
Love in Action is how the world desperately needs us to conduct our everyday lives. From our homes to destroyed communities to a world tearing itself apart, our lives need to be in action mode of walking in love. From local level to a global stage, this is how change happens.
How do we do this?
“Therefore be imitators of God.” In ourselves, we cannot. In Jesus, we can. The more we abide in Jesus, the more we become like Him. Sit across from Him and learn His ways. His ways will open up the way to live a life of love.
This is done through mimicking His love which “gave Himself up for us.”
I’ve been praying “Jesus, help me to get over myself.” We have to “get over ourselves” to remove ourselves from the picture and relinquish our pride and the prideful right of “being offended.”
I am far from any of this truth but that’s where I want to be.
Speaking over my heart… press on, dish out forgiveness, walk in love.