I learned Emma Faye was Miss San Antonio 2015 but even more intriguing, she was hard of hearing, something I could relate. I came across an interview she had done for a magazine where she spoke about this deep love and compassion she has for Jesus. I expected to hear about how fun it must be to reign as Miss San Antonio and the places she gets to see. What I heard instead was of a dark time in her life where she felt isolated and depressed, I could relate to this in my own way at several different times in my life.
Emma Faye poured her heart out about her darkest hours where the Lord drew nearer to her and pulled her out of the dark with the light of the sun that rose every morning. She states in the interview a prayer that she said before she ever rose from her bed, “Lord, as the light shines through the window, let your joy come into my heart again.” This statement spoke volumes to me. She continues on to say that she realized she had become distant from God, that her relationship wasn’t what it once was. How difficult it is to openly admit that as a Christian, we still stray away from God.
She is unbelievably humble and has made a commitment to share with the world what the Lord has done in her life. I have heard Emma speak a few times in person since this interview, I was able to sit back and observe her. The same passion and humility I heard in her words during the interview were what I encountered when I met her in person. She is vibrant and glowing and she gives God all the Glory. The Lord has a message and He’s using Emma Faye to share it!