Looking back, a clear truth is steadfast and revealed time and time again without fail; Jesus is the most real, authentic relationship I have.
All the relationships I place security and hope in during this temporary tent dwelling, I know is only so because I experience a glimpse and a mirror of the Savior in them. I allow myself to trust His heavenly nature even through earthly beings.
That is insight to who He is! He draws me to Himself even through people of the same nature and condition that I posses. His goodness shines through His vessels that desire oneness and life with Jesus. The relationships that are trustworthy and genuine are not because of who they are, but because of who Jesus is.
There is truth behind everyday relationships among us; they point us ultimately to Christ. Even the unfair, hurtful encounters with people who are suppose to love without fail, points to the need and emptiness that only Jesus can fill. Something in us cries out when our fathers, best friends, husbands and wives are suppose to love us but they miserably fail. It strikes deeply a heartstring within because we weren’t designed to ever be hurt in what is a love relationship. When a love that was never designed to fail, fails and disappoints, there a love greater and a solid rock among the ashes of what should have been. Jesus wants to come and equally distribute the weight of such pain and bear it with you. He longs to come and answer the deepest need of relationship because isn’t that the author and founder of such sweetness that can exist in the first place?
The greatest lesson I have been taught the past couple of months is that GRACE is two parts… Jesus took all the ugliness and died for it on the Cross, and THUS, His holy, righteousness, redeeming nature becomes ours because of His gloriousness. We are called to die with Christ Jesus, yet death with Him does not mean staying in the grave at all. Dying with Jesus means the brokenness that causes me to fail everyday is conquered and taken away through His preciousness and I am brought to life in His holiness.
I know that in fixating my eyes on Jesus, His joy, peace and love starts to become a part of me. By seeking His face, my face is covered by His joy and that speaks to a dying world of the life and fresh breath of air Jesus is. “His dying breath has brought me life.” Let His aroma and renewing nature of love become everything about me.
In going straight to the source of life and love, we eliminate the middleman of placing security and hope in temporary dwellings of bodies. First pursue Jesus’ face, and then return back to the middleman and live out the love with great intentionality. How much more can we love by beholding the everlasting face of our Father; the great Perfecter and founder of such understanding and action?
2 Corinthians 3