One wrong ingredient throws off the entire recipe. Adding something that never belonged into the mix, will take away from the original design.
This is true for our hearts.
Have you ever experienced heartbreak that physically hurts? I remember as a little girl hearing stories of heartbreak and I thought it was metaphorical, I had no idea as an adult, it could literally hurt. Mainly it has been for lost relationships I cared for or the unexpected loss of something I loved.
The Lord hit me with this idea.. maybe it hurts because something was added into the mix that was never meant to be there. It hurts because it is removing a person or a thing that was not meant for our hearts in the first place.
“But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.”
2 Corinthians 11:3
Let nothing derail us… although sometimes this means it has to be completely uprooted.
I want to weep from the lists of things that have been deceiving my heart, seemingly good and beautiful things, however my Father was not allowed in the picture. “You must love the Lord your God with ALL of your heart…” My heart has been divided as I’ve loved Jesus and brought a lot of other people and baggage into this sacred place. The sacred place is for Him alone.
“Pure” is defined as unmixed with other matter or as containing nothing that does not properly belong.
Silver has to be refined from any impurities. Our heart has to be refined from what we’ve mixed into the equation with Jesus. No one and nothing else can operate alongside the rightful place of Jesus. He is to take up all the rooms of our hearts. At all costs, for our sanctification, things will begin to be removed that have tried to compete with Jesus’ place. Refinement is a painful process, it is like the physical pain that can accompany heartbreak.
How do our hearts stay pure, untarnished and safely hidden in Jesus Christ?
1. “The Words of the Lord are pure words.” Psalm 12:5-6
Seek the Words of Jesus, Sit with the Words of Jesus, Speak the Words of Jesus. His Words became our operating mechanism as we spend time letting them wash over us in order to live them out. As we’re filled to the brim, it is to fullest measure and it naturally pours out around us into other lives.
2. “Enjoy companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts.” 2 Timothy 2:22
Seek friendships with those pressing on in the race. Those who are earnestly working through refinement process with them and Jesus alone.
3. “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word.” Psalm 119:9
Above all else, guard your heart. Keep up guard to what is attempting to mix into the sacred place of Jesus’ rightful home.
Prepare your heart as a mighty fortress, an impenetrable castle.
Blessings follow because this is what is good and healthy for us.
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8
Let us return with simple and pure devotion.